
This is in my spirit and I believe it is led by the Holy Spirit. This is not for everyone but it is definitely for some of you. Some of you are going through warfare, demonic attacks on you, your children and your family, attacks on your health and finances, Because God told you to Move out of your current Region/State and you are hesitant or refusing. Listen, God often warns us before destruction comes to our homes or various areas in our lives. Read the story of Lot in Genesis 19 specifically, verses 15-26. Lot hesitated AND his wife looked back which caused her to turn to a pillar of salt. Look at the story of Abraham in Genesis 12, God told him to leave everything and Go to a place that he will show him. The Holy Spirit has been nudging you. GOD SAID MOVE. Your Move can stop the destruction of your entire family️!! Obey what God is telling you to do. There is greater for you and your family in the New territory. There are New lands waiting for only your feet to step on it! Don’t hesitate and don’t look back. God knows all and what’s ahead.


Stop Running


Now Faith